Monday, January 4, 2016

2015 review


here is a quick rundown of the highlights of 2015 (hopefully some of these will get their own posts with more detail at some point!):

january: st. george trip with our buds - my mom & dad got home from their mission

february: camilla got married!

march: joshua radin concert

april: met with our infertility doc for the first time - vince presented his senior project

may: scout got hurt and had to wear the 'cone of shame' :( - had a fun vacation in st. george with vince, scout & me

june: went on a girls trip to st. george - saw ingrid michaelson in concert

july: vince turned 31 - vince went on a camping trip with our buds ryan and andrew - ran another half marathon

august: went on the craziest camping trip with scout and vince - went on another trip just the 3 of us down to moab - adopted gunner

september: had our 2nd annual memorial bike ride for my grandpa & uncle - my niece got her mission call

october: i turned 31 - family trip to heber with vince's mom's side of the family - saw garth brooks in concert - vince & i went to a utah football game

november: celebrated our 9th anniversary - went to Time Out For Women -

december: vince finished school!!!! (he will walk in his commencement ceremony next may)

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